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The greatness of the mother


The greatness of the mother

Motherhood in the world is a treatment for which there is no substitute. A form of Mother God's love in the world. There is no one who loves children more than a mother. In the footsteps of the mother is actually a paradise for her children and her greatest wealth. The Lord of Glory has said in Surah Al-Bani Israel, Para 15: 23-24, Bow down to them and humbly pray to them for your compassion, and for them, O Lord! ” We both advise you to be thankful and to be kind to your parents. We told man to be kind to his parents. How unfortunate.

 When a person prepares to settle in the stars, he considers his parents as a nation and incites non-Muslims, making the old mother the owner of the inherited government. I understand you Many private TV channels in Pakistan often show videos on the government rebels, and old men. 

Older women cry and say that many times they have not seen the shape of their children. The son of the same old mother is so kind to her.

For this he sends some money to the house of the heir that the mother is a rupee of love of Allah, the Lord of Glory. Yes and spend the cold night wet place. What she dreams of is to adorn a woman's head.

 But I will send a government Lao home. Allah Almighty has set fire to the Holy Prophet with many things. The Holy Prophet knew that at times children would treat their mothers. A golden questioner asked Hadi Alam when the Hour will come.

 He said, "I do not know." The Holy Prophet said that when the children humiliate the mother, the result will come out. The Holy Prophet (sws) told Hazrat Umar (sws) and Hazrat Ali (sws) that there would be a person in your time whose name would be Owais bin Amir, color, white spot on his body You have prayed for this nation.

 Hazrat Omar was amazed that Dua and this person! The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that this person served to the extent of his mother that when he raises his hands for supplication, Allaah honors his supplication. 

Hazrat Omar (RA) is the caliph for one year. One Hazrat Umar gathered all the pilgrims and said that all the pilgrims should go. When you are all gone. Only Yemen rides. When all were left, he said, "Go and stay with the Qarnis." So there was only one man. Hazrat Umar asked him. You know Owais bin Amir. So he thought

My brother has a son. Hazrat Omar said that at that time he told about grazing camels in Arafat. At the appointed place in Hazrat Arafat and Hazrat Ali, I saw a man praying, waiting for the prayer to end. The worshiper felt that someone was waiting for him. When the prayer was short, Hazrat Umar asked, "Are you Owais Qarni?" So he replied yes I am Owais Qarni but who are you. 

Hazrat Ali (AS) said that this caliph of the nation is Hazrat Umar Farooq (AS) and my name is Murtaza (AS). Did this person make a mistake? Someone has said that you did not make a mistake. I have to convey the message of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) who is responsible for us. What did you order? Hazrat Ali (AS) said that the Holy Prophet (SAW) had said that Owais Qarni should pray for the forgiveness of the Ummah. Owais Qarni asked in surprise as if you prayed in Ikram like you! Hazrat Umar (RA) said that this is the message of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) for you after which both of you will leave after fulfilling your duties. 

Owais Qarni has been following the command of Prophet (saas) all his life and it is narrated that on the day of resurrection, when Owais Qarni will reach the path of paradise, he will be stopped on the path of paradise. The Lord of Glory sent me to him and then he went to heaven and commanded me to look back and see the mass of Muslims because of your prayers. Heaven is really under mother's feet. Late Shaukat Mehdi said well

How can an accident happen to me?

What did my mother entrust to me?

Raja Muhammad State

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