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India, Iran, Qatar are ahead of us to reap the benefits of Afghanistan war? news of Afghanistan Of News


India, Iran, Qatar are ahead of us to reap the benefits of Afghanistan war? news of Afghanistan Of News

On December 8, the Finance Division announced the establishment of the Afghanistan Relief Fund through a notification. The SBP has recently directed the government to refrain from setting up the fund as the FATF may object to the funds coming into the fund.

On December 8, the Finance Division announced the establishment of the Afghanistan Relief Fund through a notification. The SBP has recently directed the government to refrain from setting up the fund as the FATF may object to the funds coming into the fund.

Until then, the SBP's autonomy bill was still in the process of being approved when the SBP demonstrated its power and independence and this was probably the first time. Legislation to empower the SBP is being enacted at the insistence of the IMF. We are legislating to get the next ارب 1 billion installment of the IMF's ongoing program.

You have to figure out for yourself how this has affected our foreign and security policy. However, our efforts to provide assistance to Afghanistan have come to a halt.

A conference of OIC foreign ministers on Afghanistan was held in Islamabad in December. On the same day, five Central Asian countries had gathered in Delhi for a meeting on Afghanistan. Now, when the news of the SBP's objection to the Afghan Relief Fund came, the next day news came from Delhi that a summit of five Central Asian countries, led by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, would be held in Afghanistan.

It was a virtual meeting in which the current situation in Afghanistan was considered and the impact of this situation on the security of the region was reviewed. The meeting reaffirmed support for a peaceful, stable and secure Afghanistan and insisted on respect for Afghanistan's integrity, stability and sovereignty and non-interference in its affairs. The meeting also agreed to form a joint working group on Afghanistan.

The meeting also considered the resumption of regional connectivity and the TAPI project and decided to invite more Central Asian countries to join the International North-South Transport Corridor. Turkmenistan was welcomed to include the Turkmenbashi port in the project, and agreed to set up a working group on free movement through Chah-e-Bihar.

Now Iranian Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdullahian is leaving for India and the first item on the agenda of his visit is talks on Afghanistan and regional ties.

Qatar's Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdul-Rahman, who is also the Deputy Prime Minister, has arrived in Tehran. A day before his arrival, the Iranian foreign minister issued a statement saying that if the outcome is likely to be good, the US-Iran nuclear deal could be negotiated directly.

Qatari Foreign Minister Meets Iranian President Ten days before his visit, the Iranian foreign minister had visited Doha on Saturday. Arab News says Qatari Foreign Minister's visit to Tehran could lead to progress in US-Iran talks. Qatar is trying to get the United States and Iran to hold direct talks. The Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, is scheduled to meet with US President Joe Biden on January 31, after which a breakthrough is expected.

The arrival of the Taliban in Afghanistan seemed like a blow to India but they were constantly trying to turn it in their favor. Iranians are also running and trying hard to get a good deal before sanctions are lifted. At the same time, they are focusing on Afghanistan. He also has the support of Qatar and is in talks with Saudi Arabia. Qatar seems to be making some progress between the United States and Iran after reaching a successful agreement on Afghanistan.

In such a situation, even though we are the most related country to Afghanistan, you can calculate where we stand. If we are weak in calculations, then understand that the money has taken us away and the SBP has shown us the mirror so that everyone forgets to look at the house. Those who have money will also get delicious benefits.

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